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936 items matching your search terms
REZ training at the Asia LEDS Partnership Regional Workshop in Hanoi, Viet Nam
GreeningTheGrid will deliver a training on Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) at the Asia LEDS Partnership Regional Workshop in Hanoi, Viet Nam.
Tariff Impact Analysis
Tariff impact analyses quantify the changes to retail and/or wholesale electricity tariffs that may result from distributed PV (DPV) deployment. In practice, ...
Technology basics
The technology used to store energy has important implications for the types of services that can be supplied. Some technologies are only suitable for bulk ...
Planning for Grid Integration
Topics & Resources
Distributed Resources and the Sustainable Energy Transition in Asia – ACEF 2020 Deep Dive Workshop
As part of the 2020 Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF), join the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the United States Agency International Development ...
New Cross-Cutting Resource: Maintaining Reliability in the Modern Power System
The U.S. Department of Energy recently released a new resource that summarizes traditional and new approaches to maintaining a reliable electric system in the ...
REZ step 1, no title
Planning for Grid Integration
Updated Resource - Greening the Grid: Vietnam
USAID's Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program (V-LEEP), supported by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute ...
Slideshow - Integrating Variable Renewable Energy into the Grid: Key Issues and Emerging Solutions
Slideshow presentation of a webinar offered by the Clean Energy Solutions Center on 29 July 2015
Time-related Considerations
What is the analysis period under which the impact of DPV is being considered? Is the analysis looking back in time on an existing program? Or, is it examining ...
The Evolution of Power System Planning with High Levels of Variable Renewable Generation
Power system planning methods and processes can evolve to address the unique characteristics of variable renewable energy (VRE). This brief presents an ...
rez step 5, title in one-line
Xcel CO Model PPA Semi-Dispatchable Resources 2017
Xcel Energy's model PPA for 'semi-dispatchable' resources, which are defined as intermittent generators combined with some form of technologies which mitigates ...
Picking an Appropriate Analysis Method
DPV analysis is a powerful tool for identifying and quantifying DPV impacts and informing DPV policies and programs.
TEMPORARY photo for REZ timescales 'When to consider the REZ process" page
New Resource: Storage Needs For Very High PV Penetration
A new resource is now available on the Demand Response and Storage topic page: Energy Storage Requirements for Achieving 50% Solar Photovoltaic Energy ...
ACEF 2016 - Grid Integration Deep Dive Workshop Brochure
One page brochure for the "Scaling Up Clean Energy: Early Actions to Facilitate Integration of Variable Renewable Energy into Existing Power Systems" Deep Dive ...
An Introduction to the Global Power System Transformation Consortium
This webinar, on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 8:00 am, Mountain Standard Time (Denver, GMT-07:00), will be the first in a series of webinars focused on global ...
Policy and Regulatory Environment for Utility-Scale Energy Storage: India
Energy storage has the potential to address many challenges in India's evolving power sector. This report was developed for policymakers to identify ...
Using Wind and Solar to Reliably Meet Electricity Demand
An important aspect of power system planning is ensuring that adequate generation capacity exists to meet electricity demand during all hours of the year. ...
RED-E Logo
logo for red-e renewable energy data explorer tool
Demand Response and Storage
Demand response and storage are tools that enhance power system flexibility by better aligning variable renewable energy (RE) supply with electricity demand ...
Grid Integration Studies Overview
Overview of types of renewable energy grid integration studies and the process for conducting them.
USAID Grid-Scale Energy Storage Technology Primer
This report provides an overview on how various types of storage can be used to improve grid reliability and flexibility.
Example of value stacking for a hypothetical energy storage project compared to project costs.png
Figure: Example of value stacking for a hypothetical energy storage project compared to project costs
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